2025 EPFL
Lecture by Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours at the EPFL (Lausanne) in the MAS urbanism program : Density, Architecture and Territory " the 10th January 2025.
Lecture by Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours at the EPFL (Lausanne) in the MAS urbanism program : Density, Architecture and Territory " the 10th January 2025.
PDAA in association with KBB ( London) won a competition in Gif-sur-Yvette - FR ( Plateau de Saclay) for 90 dwellings.
On April 4, Kenneth Frampton was a guest for a round table discussion about his life as a critc, historian and professor, with Nathalie Regnier Kagan, Marc Bedarida, Pascal Hofstein Marie-Helêne Contal and Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours.
In the East of Nantes, a new urban project is going on : The Batignolles project - 420 dwellings, offices , renovation of the Fressynet industrial fabrics for cultural activity and training school.
January 2023,
Jovis verlag ( Berlin) publish a monograph of Pranlas-Descours works with essays by Kenneth Frampton and Aslhey Simone (272 pages - https://www.amazon.fr/Depth-Landscape-Jean-Pierre-Pranlas-Descours/dp/3868597204)
"Throughout history, the relationship between landscape and architecture has formed the basis of culture and the development of human settlements. The unfolding of a site, its transformation through the construction of buildings or of entire cities, translates into this basic idea: that history extends geography. In recent decades, generic architecture has increasingly homogenized the appearance of different territories, resulting in a profoundly different understanding of nature and landscape. Within his work, French architect and urban planner Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours continuously articulates the relationship between landscape and architecture. This book traces his line of thought by reflecting on 16 projects and their specific conditions." Jovis verlag
Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours is nominated as a new member of the Academy of Architecture. During this event, he paid tribute to Sir Richard Rogers.
PDDA designed a High School in Confignon, Switzerland, with sports facilties, classrooms, library, laboratories and offices constructed in wood structure as well as the facades, with a low enregy design.
PDAA designed an office buiding in Cadiz, Spain. The project was extremely attentive to the archeological history of the site. The building developped a high sustainable concept with a wood structure and an exemplary low carbon strategy.
The Rives de la Haute Deûle development zone in Lille is awarded of the main Eco-Quartier CERTIFICATION from the Ministry of Ecology.
As Emmanuelle Borne wrote in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui
( AA July 2019):
“The RHD joint development zone, West of Lille which has been undergoing a transformation for twenty years, is doubtless one of the very few to deserve the name of eco-district. This former industrial site has become a district entirely based on an open hydraulic network. Leading the urban masterplan, Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours drafted specifications which do not only define volumes but also compose with the landscape and favor one material,clay with a variety of nuances depending on the buildings.”
PDDA designed a project of 600 apartments in Poppleton district - Baltimore. The project used wood structure with a low carbon strategy.
Asia Pacific for the Agrarian Enrichment project in Yuzhong - China by PRANLAS-DESCOURS architect in collaboration with the CSTB
The Holcim Awards jury Asia Pacific highly commended the way in which the proposal offers a sensible and thoughtful alternative to current Chinese policies toward rural urbanization. The project suggests a territorial operation that, as opposed to the more mainstream demolition practices, very elegantly densifies and strengthens the existing rural fabric and co-located agricultural parcels, and brings new opportunities for farming communities. The intervention becomes a particularly well-balanced and contextualized model for an environmental, social and economic sustainable development of rural areas in China and beyond.
Lecture by Jean Pierre Pranlas-Descours with Cristina Garcez ( CSTB) : Sustainibility for the people , the Yuzhong project - China
The Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat des Hauts-De-France in Lille is nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Prize 2022.
The Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat Hauts-De-France by Kaan architect and Pranlas-Descours architect in Lille is awarded of the Architectural Prize 2020 of the D'A Review
Pranlas-Descours AA is selected for the Dezeen Awards 2021 in the catogory : Architect of the year
EXE review n°41, dedicates 15 pages to the “Chambre des Métiers” building, Lille
Pranlas-Descours AA win a competiton in Pessac (FR) for 130 dwellings and an hotel
The International Jury of the S-ARCH -( Toyo Ito, Dietmar Eberle, Kengo Kuma, Kraft, Sou Fujimoto etc.) has selected the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat as the winner for the BEST PUBLIC BUILDING 2020.
Lecture by Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours at the Belfast Queen's University ( Northen Ireland - GB) : " The depth of the landscape", - the 3nd of February 2020 - ( see Office - JPPD)
Issue of HINGE magazine n°278 ( Hong-Konk) dedicates 4 pages to the Black Diamond office building, Lille
project is nominated at the “Equerre d’Argent Prize “(AMC/ Le Moniteur magazines) for the best project of the year.
(and the Chinese CSUS organization) propose a master-plan for a new urban development for the City of Tianjin : a sustainable and bio-diversity project on a 10 km2 terrain with 3,5 mil m2 – 2 nd November 2019
, dedicates 10 pages for the Kaan and Pranlas-Descours project for the “Chambre des Métiers” building, Lille
propose a master-plan for a new urban development for the City of Yuzong : an integrated project of old villages , agriculture, new urban development and a river park on a 10 km2 terrain with 4 mil m2 – 28nd October 2019
“Architecture and Landscape”– 24nd October 2019
, dedicates 6 pages to Kaan and Pranlas-Descours project for the “Chambre des Métiers” building , Lille
, dedicates 2 pages to the 9 patio dwellings project in the Alpes Mountains, Seyssins
for the fall semester 2019
: an integrated landscape project of a new urban development and a river park on 12 km2 terrain with 2 mil. m2 – 22nd August 2019
, dedicates 24 pages to the Rives de la Haute Deûle Urban Project and the Black Diamond office building, Lille
will open. The project integrates: Offices, Cooking School, Amphitheater, Hairdressing Academy and Laboratories.
Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours , in partnership with Vilogia, Kaufman and Broard, Groupe IRD and Michel Desvigne propose "Metropolitain Green Square" close to Euralille territory : a sustainable and ecologic project of 90000 m2 with Housings, Business School , Offices, Art Gallery and Commercial Facilities. Metropolitain Green Square was considered as the most amazing project associated landscape and densification.
: «Architecture for European Density» / Architecture(s), Newwealth for Europe of the Regions, on November 29, 2018.
with a special mention for the residential building in Seyssins.
is selected for the German Design Award 2019.
will be inaugurated the 11th of february. This Alvaro Siza s project has been realised in partnership with our office.
"Leaving in the Landscape, the Versailles Satory's project" 620 acres / 550 000 m²
The New School and the National Architecture School of Paris-Malaquais Prof. Sandra Arndt / Prof. Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours
"Architecture and Territory" - 22nd March 2017
" Project for the Rives de la Haute Deûle/ Lille" - 8th March 2017
5 European Stories » published by Jovis ( Berlin- DE) . The book was created through the support of the French Ministery of Housing and Sustainable Development.
- Organisation : Iba-Parkstad PDAA architect is, among the tree teams (Gross Max, AWP), aim to propose a strategy of urban and landscape transformation for a territory of 370 acres.
The project aim to propose a new wing of 6500 sqm , near the XIX° century building of the Museum.
is now achieved. The building will be completed at the end of the first semester 2017.
Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours is invited to take part of a panel discussion on the influence of the Porto's school in France with Laurent Beaudoin, Nuno Grande, Hervé Beaudoin, Bernard Desmoulins. Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris - 06.09-2016
(5000 housings, public facilities, 200000m² office buildings and parks)
will be held in EurArtisanat in Lille.
ETH Singapore, Future Cities Laboratory
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussée (Master AMUR).
dedicates 4 pages to Pranlas-Descours project for the office building in Lille, RHD district.
dedicates a special booiklet of 64 pages on the Bottière-Chênaie Urban Project in Nantes.
Architecture and the Poetics of Space-Time, with Fred Bernstein (NY Times), Guilherme Amorozo (Casa Vogue Brazil) and Martino Pietropoli (architect). IED / Palazzo Franchetti - 5.30 pm, Wednesday June 4th, 2014
has been invited for the new hospital's competition in Nantes, a projet of 300 000 m² (550 mil euros).
is published in the review D’A no.220
in Burgau Architectural Day
with introduction by Kenneth Frampton, is published by Ante Prima
– at Ecole de la Ville et des Territoires Marne la Vallée in France
at Congress hall in Nantes
“The interrupted spatial sequence of Faubourg architecture : appartements and studios in rue Charonne in Paris”
- at Ecole d’Architecture de Bordeaux in France
– at Architectural Center of Genevra in Switzerland